Monday, October 29, 2007

Lying Rat Bastard "Stop 49" Campaign Spokespeople...

This image is of the Salem, Albany, Eugene Mid-Willamette Measure 37 Claims: Linn and Benton Counties In the Willamette Valley there are over 2,200 Measure 37 development claims. Here is a map of claims in Linn and Benton Counties

God I hate liars. Almost as much as I hate 6 hit die bugbears. Especially republican lying, self interest rat bastard liars.

This little diddy is from All of those commercials out there opposing measure 49... nothing but self interest rat bastard liars, in case you missed it when I said it up above.

"The same timber companies and developers who funded the "Yes on 37" campaign in 2004 are spending a fortune trying to defeat Measure 49. As part of that campaign - in television ads, mailers, flyers and in the voter's pamphlet - the Stop 49 Campaign has offered up "spokespeople" who claim that Measure 49 would prevent them from undertaking modest developments on their property. But the claims they are making are very different than the claims they have actually filed. Below is a chart of some of the "Stop 49" spokespeople in ads from the last several weeks. Read the real facts behind these spokespeople, and why they are working for the "Stop 49" Campaign."

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