Saturday, October 27, 2007

Churchies and the Right are Breaking Up? ... Tell me it aint so!

Looks like the Evangelicals have wisened up to being hijacked by the GOP. Many are now distancing themselves from the righties.

Oh! This is classic. From the Jesus Bolting story, "The Republicans were filibustering the Bible bill. On a Tuesday afternoon in early February, Republican legislators in Alabama took to the crimson-carpeted floor of the state house to oppose legislation that would authorize an elective course on the Bible in public high schools.

The recommended curriculum for the course had been vouched for by Christian Right all-stars like Chuck Colson and Ted Haggard, but so far as Republicans were concerned, there was only one pertinent piece of information about the bill: It was sponsored by two Democrats. And now Republicans were prepared to do everything in their procedural power to stop it, even if that meant lining up to explain why they could not--could not!--stand for this attempt to bring a class about the Bible into public schools."

Donchya just love it. Read on and you'll be amazed gentle reader.

Apparently, pastor, Terry Fox, at the Immanuel Baptist Church in downtown Wichita, Kan., would preach fire and brimstone about gays.. .(gasp)... and abortion.. (the horrors) 52 weeks a year. Well, the Churchies in charge have started to get tired of it and they let him go. Vamoose Terry!

See, Good Ol' Boy Terry Fox was, the "public face of the conservative Christian political movement in a place where that made him a very big deal." At least until now, amen brother!

Why is it that so many of these rabid churchies are fat, white loudmouth hate/fear mongers? Raining down from the "pulpit about the wickedness of abortion, evolution and homosexuality." Jesus... save me from your followers... please?

This guy, Fox, is a total right wing batting hard linger! A real wing nut, even amongst his own crowd, "urging fellow pastors to make the same “confession” [towards right wing allegiance] and calling them “sissies” if they didn’t. “We are the religious right,” he liked to say. “One, we are religious. Two, we are right.”

Apparently, the Board of Deacons were joining the rest of the country and got sick of Fox and his fear mongering. "Fox left under pressure. The board of deacons had told him that his activism was getting in the way of the Gospel." His hate, unfortunately, got in the way of the Love of Jesus and the Word of God. Can't let that happen, now can we?

"Fox is not the only conservative Christian to feel the heat of those battles." Oh no, it's now in vogue to 86 these fire and brimstone, rabid, fat, white hatemonger’s. "Within three months of his departure, the two other most influential conservative Christian pastors in the city had left their pulpits as well. And in the silence left by their voices, a new generation of pastors distinctly suspicious of the Republican Party — some as likely to lean left as right — is beginning to speak up."

Times, they are a changin! - Amen Brotha!


Anonymous said...

I believe you mean "breaking" up.

You should contain your excitement.

BatmanTempest said...

oops! I'm sorry, I do get a little excited when I post such things about the Churchies.

Am fixing it now.

Thank you Mr. Anonymous.