Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nathan Petrelli... yet another Republican Candidate. God Save Us!

God, I am so sick of these guys coming out of the woodwork! This guy, Nathan Petrelli, is a congressmen that has a family history... nay, a Dynasty that's been in bed with corrupt Vegas business for decades.

The corruption starts way back in the family, as it generally does in the neocon archtype. Nathan's father, "Dallas" Petrelli, served in Vietnam with a mister "Austin" Daniel Linderman. The very same Linderman who goes on to become the reputed mobster based in Vegas. They were the only survivors in the Tiger Force platoon where Dallas shot and killed a civilian girl in charge of her families crops. Both, Dallas and Austin were the only survivors of the Au Co mission.

Years later the connection between Dallas Petrelli and Daniel Linderman is revitalized as Linderman contributes millions to Petrelli's congressional campaign. Though the connection and chain of custody was never proven, we all know that it existed... just like Dubya's cocaine use.

Jesus, this reads like a soap opera. Well, Nathan Petrelli, son of Dallas, joined the U.S. Navy as a pilot and served in Serbia, Bosnia, and Rwanda. Ok, we have to give him koodos for this. Everyone knows pilots are the coolest!

Nathan ends up becoming a lawyer and works with the District Attorney's office. The District Attorney wanted to expose the Mafia connections between Nathan's father and Linderman. Nathan was all on board until a mysterious car accident which left his wife paralyzed. God she's such a rich-bitch hottie! Aren't all republican wives?

Recently, this bastard received $3 million from Linderman, just like his father, and has won the 14th congressional seat in NY and now he just threw his hat in for the Presidency.

Not only is this guy a crook, he's the antithesis of "family values" as proven by his white trash illigitemate daughter Claire. His mother has been arrested for shoplifting, his brother Peter is a complete psycho and a failure at daycare, which any fool can do with their eyes closed. What's next a bomb under some opponent's desk?

But really, what's one more republican to the mess that's already been spilled?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
