Monday, September 24, 2007

Measure 49 update

Since the YesOn49 group is doing such a piss poor job of getting the truth out to the public, I am forced once again to make things clear.

The lies coming from some vocal minorities, eg. republican megaphone, lying rat-bastards, appear almost as fast as you can shake a stick at a row of tumbling dominoes. The right, and their fabrications blather on about how people who want 1-3 homes will be pushed over a barrel, have their garden overalls pulled down and will be violated by big government, hard and continuously, with it’s big bad land restrictions.

Utter nonsense.

A farmer, outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, has the option of having 1-3 homes or 4-10 homes.

They are two different paths. When a person puts in a 37 claim, they have already essentially completed 6.6(d) which says:
“claimant must establish that … One or more land use regulations prohibit establishing the lot, parcel or dwelling”

This has already been done when they submitted the 37 claim.
  1. For 1-3 home site claims, with 49, all they have to do is reference, write down, the regulation that prohibits their establishment and submit the form. That’s it, also called the Fast Track, for 1-3 homes.

  2. For 4-10 homes will the owner have to prove through an audit or certified appraisal that proves that you deserve 4-10 home sites for compensation.

Republicans are basically making a big stink about nothing and they are just simply lying out their southern regions.

The only other restriction is for 4-10 homes not being built over limited groundwater and/or high value land, which is not subjective at all since they define it in the definitions in the front of house bill 3540.

Be sure to read section 6.1 - 6.3 and section 6.6. 6.6 says what the claimant has to do, which they already did when they submitted a 37 claim.

How Ballot Measure 49 works

Questions and Answers on Ballot Measure 49

The Facts on Ballot Measure 49


Unknown said...

What about a labor intensive ag use that needs housing for two dozen?

What about industrial updates to ag and timber uses that require support business such as a machine shop, diesel shop, or trucking operation support?

What about compelmentary business such as BandB's and expanded retail in rural communities looking to capitalize on the expanding wine industry in Oregon?

What does M49 do for these farmers?

Unknown said...

By the way.

You should change the description of the blog.

The only thing your crushing these days is your own reputation with this hate sheet.

BatmanTempest said...

I have a little time, I can at least comment on this one post, vs all of the other ones you've spammed me with. Jesus, how does a "profesional" get anything done when he's busy tap tap tapping on the web?

I'm busy, so excuse me for not getting back to you as promptly as we would like.

The answer to your questions, gentle polster is simple. ... read the post.

A dozen houses? You don't like to compromise, do you? A dozen is two more than 10. I suggest that the farmer build each house a little bigger.

The Machine shop, diesel shop or trucking operation support? Hey, I don't know! Why don't you throw the lunar launch rocket in there while you're at it? Measure 49 is clear, 4-10 lots requires an appraisal. If they decide that these items fit the description, then they pass. If not, then they don't.

You seem to have a problem with compromise. Nothing new coming from the right.

B&Bs? If it's a house and it meets the regs, sure why not? But really Dare, you have more questions than both you and I can answer.

I suggest calling up the Yeson49 people yourself, here call 503-288-5426 and ask them your questons. You obviously haven't done your homework, I suggest doing some more research.

If that doesn't work, call the DLCD's Measure 37 website at 503-373-0050 X: 324.

Both numbers have been helpful to me. If you were really a truth seeker, you would find the edges of your knowledge and answer your own questions, as I did mine.

Let me know what they say.