Sunday, September 9, 2007

Number Of Dead US Soldiers/Contractors and Iraqis

I’ve been wanting to put together a ticker for the dead soldiers in Iraq for quite some time now. Unfortunately, I have to deal with a simple graph of all the accumulated dead US Soldiers (including contractors) and Dead Iraqis (which includes civilians).

The numbers for the dead US Soldiers and dead Iraqis comes from and So far, we have 3919 dead US soldiers and contractors. We have caused the deaths of over 46,000 Iraqis, most who are civilians. Some estimates are between 60,000 to 600,000 all the way up to a million.

How many more soldiers have to die before we pull out? How many Iraqi civilians have to die before we realize that our actions are killing innocents? We killed over 3 Million Vietnamese people in Vietnam. We also lost close to 60,000 American soldiers. There are so many parallels between Iraq and Vietnam, It’s uncanny.

Ron Paul might be a WingNut with extreme thoughts, but he got one thing right… “Get the hell out of Iraq right now!”

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